
An Introduction by Julius Musembi:

Kenya is a socialized medicine environment and the government (supposedly) provides free medical care for its citizens through government run hospitals. Kenya (close in size to the State of Texas) has close to 35 Million People whose demand for health care has overwhelmed and crumbled the Government funded system.

Community Medicare Africa was founded to provide NOW for the urgent medical needs of Kenyans.

Started by 40 Medical students, the president is Dr. Daniel Somba, a son of a local-rural Baptist Minister 65 Miles from Nairobi. Born in 1980, Dr. Somba graduated from University of Nairobi school of Medicine in 2005 and practices medicine in Thika (a government provincial hospital) 20 Miles from Nairobi.

Since his final year as a medical student, Dr. Somba has been spending his free weekends and holidays at his rural home and every Sunday after church converting his father’s church into a medical consulting room for people seeking his medical help.

This is how Community Medicare Africa (CMA) started. As the crowd started getting larger for Dr Somba, a need for an organized event became apparent. He recruited other doctors in the same situation and they started alternating as a group to each other’s location.

This is a common theme among every CMA doctor I interacted with during this event. Every doctor I met and spoke with had a personal reason to be involved and a story to tell. Each also had a stake in the outcome since every patient they saw in each camp meant one less patient to be seen by a doctor somewhere and a slight less pressure exerted on the country’s public health system.

Please join with us today and help to make CMA a success.


© CMA 2024