1. Name

The name of the trust shall be Community Medicare Africa abbreviated as CMA herein.

2. Objectives

i. Delivery of medical services to the communities in Africa especially the marginalized.
ii. Mobilize medical practitioners (medical doctors, pharmacists, dentists and nurses) to provide these services.
iii. Work with our partners in the United States of America (Adopta ministry) in the provision of good health care facilities and other services like clean water and toilet facilities.
iv. Strengthen the fellowship between the medical practitioners following our Christian faith knowing Jesus as the way, the truth and the life.
v. Dissemination of proper education to the African societies on how we can live healthily as Christians.
vi. Set up Christian based centers of proper medical guidance, treatment and facility distribution throughout African continent.
vii. Investing together as medical professionals.

3. Membership

The membership shall be in three categories;
1. Kenyan medical doctors.
2. Medical students from Kenyan universities and any where else.
3. Any interested partners.

Initially from the year 2005 the membership was drawn from 40 medical students drawn from all the faculties of college of health sciences of Nairobi University. These were the pioneers of the organization. The students became full members after paying non refundable Ksh100. the students who would qualify from medical school shall automatically enter the category of Kenyan medical doctors. They will later allow and engage other medical practitioners to join, on condition that they register and be ready to accept CMA’s laid down procedures and regulations. The registration fee for the new members shall be agreed upon by the executive committee.

Medical Students

Comprises of medical students from all the faculties of college of health sciences, they will be led by executive of six members: the Chairman, vice chairman, secretary general, organizing secretary, secretary, and treasurer. All the above shall be appointed by the outgoing executive, all student members shall register with Ksh 200. The students shall work closely with the other categories to achieve CMA objectives, after graduating from medical school, the interested graduates shall be considered to join the Kenyan doctors’ category. The students’ body will have the liberty to put rules and regulations to govern their organization.

Any Interested Partner

This comprises of any person or organization who would like to participate in the activities of CMA, they will need to contact the executive of CMA and be registered partners, then they will always be kept informed on all activities of the organization and the relevant areas where they could participate in.

4. Office bearers

Supreme executive council

This is the top most level in the management of the trust, it shall be headed by the President, and the other office bearers are;

The council shall appoint subcommittees which will execute the responsibilities of the trust; the sub committees shall wholly be answerable to the supreme council. The leadership is not elective but through appointment based on ones performance and contribution to the trust. One will retain the office so long as the members have faith in him or her.

Duties of the supreme executive council members:

The President:

He or she shall, unless prevented by illness or other sufficient cause, preside over all meetings of the trust and activities of the trust.

The Vice-President:


© CMA 2024